We are delighted to release the details of our new Primary NQT Professional Development Programme for the academic year 2020/2021.
The programme is launched with a full day conference explaining the NQT assessment process and featuring inspirational current practitioners speaking on relevant topics and issues
The sessions include a mixture of theory, reflection, with opportunities to apply learning. The programme incorporates significant opportunities to observe and analyse lessons using the lesson study model, to develop and refine teaching techniques. NQTs will develop strong subject knowledge along with effective pedagogical approaches that can be applied in all schools.
As well as running a very successful CPD programme for NQTS, C2C Teaching School Alliance is also an APPROPRIATE BODY for the professional induction of NQTs.
Outline of the programme
- One day Induction Conference fully explaining the NQT assessment process and featuring inspirational current practitioners speaking on relevant topics and issues.
- A further five CPD training sessions with additional and adapted training provided in response to NQT requests as the year progresses.
- Paired Peer to Peer collaborative lesson observations, overseen and fully supported by a suitably qualified person, November and February.
- Support for Mentors and updated Mentor and NQT handbook.
- Opportunity to meet with NQT’s from the previous year to share experiences and advice on ‘Surviving your NQT year’.
The cost for each participant is £650 for the full NQT package. Appropriate Body NQT documentation only and Induction conference, £240 per participant.
See more programme details below:
Please return completed forms to ethomas@C2Cteachingalliance.co.uk